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AccountEdge Connect In Depth

Priority Software continually adds to Connect’s core features and functionality, making it a vibrant, evolving companion app to AccountEdge desktop.

The feature list below gives a good overview of what to expect when using AccountEdge Connect. Ledger One recommends UK users to trial its functionality before subscribing to AccountEdge Connect. Some features highlighted in online YouTube or other tutorial videos may not be available for UK versions of AccountEdge.

Where we are aware of differences in US/UK functionality, we have highlighted this in the feature list below, however please note that the AccountEdge Connect features and platform continue to evolve.


Restrict User Access to Transactions

The admin now has the option to restrict users from viewing certain transactions. Once this option is enabled on a user account, that user will only be able to see transactions that they have created or transactions where they are the salesperson on a transaction.

Smarter Capitalisation and Editing Amounts

Connect is smarter in use of uppercase letters where appropriate, such as postal codes in UK. It's also easier to edit amounts. When you click into an amount field, Connect lets you just start typing in an amount to override the existing amount.

Spend and Receive Money

Use Spend Money just like you do in AccountEdge Pro.

Spend money

Enter your expenses, checks written, credit card purchases, cash spent, etc. using Spend Money just like you do in AccountEdge Pro.

Receive money

Create Receive Money transactions to record incoming cash.

Transaction IDs for receive payment

When receiving payments, you’re able to set up default transaction ID numbers per bank and credit card account. For example, you might want to set your Checking Account's next transaction ID/check # to be AC000101, or you might want to let AccountEdge Pro assign the transaction ID # when it is synced.

Allocate amounts across expenses

Choose a bank or credit card account and allocate amounts across expenses.

Apply Jobs

AccountEdge Connect allows you to apply Jobs to each line of a transaction.


Enter quotes, orders, invoices and jobs. All information entered syncs seamlessly with AccountEdge Pro.

Process credit cards in bulk - Not available in the UK

Customer portal - Not available in the UK

Selling serialised items

Create serial numbers while on an Item Sale. Serial numbers sold will be included after your description on the PDF of the invoice.

Price levels and quantity price breaks

The full price matrix from AccountEdge is synced to AccountEdge Connect for use on invoices. Customer price levels and custom quantity price breaks (for items) are also utilized.

Create sales from a customer record

While viewing a customer or lead in the Contacts list, you’re able to create a transaction and have AccountEdge Connect pre-populate the customer name field and other Sales defaults when using Add Transaction.

Save transactions as drafts

Create drafts of sales. To avoid mistakes, your drafts cannot be sent to AccountEdge, as they’re considered works in progress. When you’re ready, simply record them.

View items

View item quantities on hand, committed, on order, available, and more.

Add and edit jobs

Add new Jobs, or edit existing ones.

Promised date

On sales and purchases you can add a Promised Date just as you can in AccountEdge Pro.

Volume discount

Apply a discount on a line of an Item Sale based on the customer record in AccountEdge and automatically apply this default (if applicable) to the customer. Users can also view and set this discount on the Customer record.

Credit memos and returns

Easily create new Credit Memos from the sale type drop down menu in AccountEdge Connect. You can also use existing sales within AccountEdge Connect to create a Return or Credit Memo with the same information, items, and amounts found on the original sale.

Create copy

Use an existing sale to create a new sale for a different customer. The new sale will be created with the details from the existing sale, and the tax code will be picked up from the newly selected customer. You also have the option to use the selected customer’s default settings (price level, discount, comment, salesperson, etc.).

Sales register filter

The Sales Register filter for Customer will display if the contact is a Customer or a Lead.

Changing the sale type while on a sale

When creating a new sale, you can change the layout type (e.g. quote, order, invoice).

Professional sales layout

Create sales transactions using a Professional Sale Layout. With this sale type you can apply a date to each of the lines on a sale.

Default accounts for professional sales

When adding an income account to a Professional Sale, we ask if you would like to save this account as a default for this customer for future transactions.

Custom transaction numbers

Let AccountEdge assign invoice numbers, or choose to use custom transaction numbers defined in AccountEdge Connect. With Custom Transaction Numbers, you can assign a starting number as well as a two-character prefix to help you identify AccountEdge Connect transactions once sent to AccountEdge.

Paid today changes in sales

You can choose which account you are receiving funds into. You can also create a memo to go with the transaction that will be created as well as set the transaction ID.

Invoice delivery methods on sales

Similar to how this works in AccountEdge Pro, you can set the delivery method for a sale. (e.g. To Be Printed, To Be Emailed, etc.). Once a sale is then printed, the status will change to Printed (or emailed…). This is used in AccountEdge Pro when using Print/Email Invoices. Any changes to this delivery status will be synced back and forth with AccountEdge Connect and your desktop software.


AccountEdge Pro allows you to create commission levels to track and calculate commissions, which can be paid out through payroll. AccountEdge Connect will assign any default commission level that is set on a salesperson’s employee or supplier record while creating a sale. If a default is not set, you can choose the level manually after adding a salesperson. Commissions will be calculated when they are sent to AccountEdge Pro.

Retaining filters

When using filters in the registers, after you click to view a transaction, if you return to the register, your filters will still be applied until you clear them or leave the register.

Purchases and Bills

Create Purchase Orders, Quotes and Bills.

Promised date

On sales and purchases you can add a Promised Date.

View items

View item quantities on hand, committed, on order, available, and more.

Custom transaction numbers

Let AccountEdge assign payment numbers, or choose to use custom transaction numbers defined in AccountEdge Connect. With Custom Transaction Numbers, you can assign a starting number as well as a two-character prefix to help you identify AccountEdge Connect transactions once sent to AccountEdge.

Paid today changes in purchases

You can choose which bank account is to be used when making a payment. You can also create a memo to go with the transaction that will be created as well as set the transaction ID.

Customise your purchases PDFs

Your purchase PDFs can be customised. You'll be able to add and position a logo and company name. You can also change the font and font styles as well as choose a color scheme.

Transaction IDs for pay bills

When making payments, you’re able to set up default transaction ID numbers per bank and credit card account. For example, you might want to set your Checking Account's next transaction ID/check # to be AC000101, or you might want to let AccountEdge Pro assign the transaction ID # when it is synced.

New transaction on Supplier record

A New Transaction button can now be found on a supplier record while viewing a supplier so you can quickly create a purchase or pay a bill.

Purchase orders

AccountEdge Connect supports the creation of Purchase Orders, Quotes and Bills. Create item purchases or Inventory orders, or create orders and purchases for services, or pay bills. You can also convert Quotes to PO's to Bills. While creating bills, you’re able to apply a payment using Paid Today as you can do in AccountEdge Pro.

Creating a purchase from a sale

You can take an existing sale and create a purchase from it and vice versa. The lines of the sale or purchase will be moved to the new transaction.

Pay bills

AccountEdge Connect syncs your open payables so you can see how much is owed to suppliers. Use the Purchases Register to find any open payables for a supplier or find them by viewing a supplier’s contact record. You can also apply a payment against an open payable synced up from AccountEdge Pro, or a bill created in AccountEdge Connect

Professional purchases

We’ve added support for creating Professional Purchases. This allows you to add to lines of purchases a date, description, account and amount similar to a Professional Sale.

Default income and expense accounts for professional purchases

When adding an income account to a Professional Purchase, we ask you if you would like to save this account as a default for this supplier for future transactions.


Create and manage your customer, lead, supplier, and personal contacts. Sync back to AccountEdge on the desktop for seamless integration.

Customer since and lead since auto-populated

When creating a customer or lead, AccountEdge Connect will pre-populate the Customer or Lead Since fields. For records synced from AccountEdge Pro that do not contain dates, these fields will remain empty but allow you to add a date if needed.

Customer payment method

Set your customer default payment method on a Customer record. You’ll notice a new Payment Method tab where you can set the method and other related details. This method will then be used by default when creating a Customer Payment as well as using Paid Today.

Add and edit customers

Add new Customers or edit existing ones. Great for your sales force or contractors while working remotely.

Updated mobile interface for contacts

We’ve updated the window when viewing contacts on a mobile phone to make it easier working with contacts on a small screen.

Invoice delivery default

On customer contact records you can view and set a default Invoice Delivery method. You can set this for Print, Email, Print and Email as well as Printed/Emailed. This is then used when creating sales.

Time Billing

You can track time in billable and non-billable activity slips and assign wage categories for payroll.

Save transactions as drafts

Create drafts of time sheets and activity slips. To avoid mistakes, your drafts cannot be sent to AccountEdge, as they’re considered works in progress. When you’re ready, simply record them.

Custom transaction numbers

Let AccountEdge assign activity slip numbers, or choose to use custom transaction numbers defined in AccountEdge Connect. With Custom Transaction Numbers, you can assign a starting number as well as a two-character prefix to help you identify AccountEdge Connect transactions once sent to AccountEdge.