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Importing and Exporting Data To and From AccountEdge

Article ID: 2025221            Last Updated: 5 January 2023



AccountEdge can import from and export to either comma-separated or tab-delimited text (.txt) files. Import file formats are identical to export file formats, so when importing data, we recommend you create your templates by first exporting some existing data.

You can export data samples from the Widgets sample company if you do not yet have your own AccountEdge company file. This will provide you with an example file in the format your own date will need to be formatted for import.

How to Import and Export


How to export data from AccountEdge:


How to import data into AccountEdge:


Typical Order of Importing Data

For importing various types of data into a new AccountEdge file, the list below shows the typical import order.

  1. Accounts Information
  2. Accounts Budgets 
  3. VAT Codes 
  4. Departments 
  5. Currencies 
  6. Custom Lists 
  7. Lead Sources 
  8. Lead Statuses 
  9. Brands 
  10. Tags 
  11. Items 
  12. Cards - Leads 
  13. Cards - Customer Cards 
  14. Cards - Supplier Cards 
  15. Cards - Employee Cards
  16. Cards - Personal Cards 
  17. Jobs 
  18. Mileage Logs 
  19. Activities 
  20. Activity Slips 
  21. Timesheets 
  22. Purchases 
  23. Sales 
  24. Stock Adjustments 
  25. Disbursements - Pay Suppliers 
  26. Disbursements - Spend Money 
  27. Receipts - Receive Payments 
  28. Receipts - Receive Money 
  29. Transaction Journals 
  30. Reminder Logs


Troubleshooting Imports

Trouble Shooting Steps:

  1. Determine type of import  Does the import require more than one line per transaction? List imports are usually one line. Most transactions are two or more lines with an empty line between each new transaction. Know the type of import before proceeding.
  2. Can't open input file  Is the file extension prohibiting AccountEdge from selecting the file? Change the extension to .txt.
  3. No Import, but no errors  File may have NL line endings; will need to convert to CR or CRLF. Usually you can determine this when looking at the field match window. If all fields are on one line on the left-hand panel, you know the import will not be correct.
  4. Open Import Log File; Check Error Number(s)  Look at the bottom of the log, what is error? Positive error numbers are warnings, negative are fatal errors.
  5. Can't find Match, xxx Not Found  The RecordID doesn't match. Do a Match All, then uncheck the RecordID field.
  6. Date Errors  Is date format correct? Is the financial year correct for import dates? Are Lock Periods in use? Has the company file been set to read-only?
  7. Amount Errors  Often either the fields being matched into the amount column are not amount fields hence we recommend using header records for importing or the amounts may have currency symbols that are not being accepted by the import and are better of being removed and left as number values rather than currency values

The Import Log

The import log is invaluable for troubleshooting import issues. Any errors or warnings that occurred during the import process can be found in the import log that is created after the import is complete. The errors or warnings are listed at the bottom of the report and correspond to the number in front of each record. Each time you import, the previous log will be overwritten.

Import Log Locations:

AE Version

Log File Name

Log File Location

AccountEdge Pro

Import Log

/Documents/AccountEdge Pro GB/

AccountEdge NE

Import Log

/Documents/AccountEdge NE GB/

AccountEdge or AccountEdge Plus 2010 - 2021

AccountEdge Import Log

/Documents/AccountEdge 20xx GB/

AccountEdge Plus NE 2011 and earlier

AccountEdge Import Log

/Applications/AccountEdge NE 20xx/

AccountEdge Plus NE 2012 - 2021

AccountEdge Import Log

/Documents/AccountEdge NE 20xx GB/


Reading the Import Log

The import log shows errors and warnings. Warnings are represented by a positive number. Errors are represented by a negative number. An error prevents importing, a warning is a comparatively minor issue. If you scroll to the very bottom of the import log it will give you a listing of all errors and warnings with their different number codes (as well as a description of what the problem is).

The error will also display next to the piece of information that is problematic. If it is a multi-line transaction it will display next to the first line of that transaction - this may not be the line that actually is the problem.

Troubleshooting Tips:













Additional Information

Further information from the AccountEdge help pages can be found by clicking here.




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